Tuesday, February 24, 2009

IHOP + Keys + Me + My car = INSANITY

Since three people are going to blog about this, I would like to throw my hat in the ring. I locked my car keys in my car while it was running. How did I do this? While standing around with the four people who rode with me to this fateful evening at IHOP waiting on the AAA lock smith to get there, I have come up with some good excuses...
  1. I have locked my keys in the car before.
  2. I don't have keyless locks, so I just hit the automatic lock on my way out. This allow me to easily lock my keys in the car.
  3. I was distracted by the other four people in my car. (See previous post "My Downfall - People")
  4. There were FOUR other people in my car that didn't notice that I left if running. (Thank you for pointing that out, Jeni.)
  5. Medical school really has actually fried my brain. It is now mush.
My family thinks I'm nuts. I called and told my dad. He was silent for an entire minute before he asked if I were ok... My mom didn't even call me. She called my little sister first, who doesn't seem very shocked. (She merely said that she had heard and told me about her test anxiety.)

After all of this, I can say that I enjoyed my free stack of pancakes at IHOP. I have not laughed that hard in a very long time - I was crying from the laughter. (My stomach now hurts from that combination...) Also, I have very nice friends that put up with my insanity. In closing, here's a shout out to those that witnessed the event -
Elizabeth - who made me laugh
Allison - who went to tell Stephen and tried to call and tell Kacie
Shannon - who helped me figure out the color of my car
Lee - who is still probably looking for a wire coat hanger
Stephen - who broke an umbrella to break (unsuccessfully) into my car
Jeni - see #4
Kate - too cute in her matching jacket and pants and ring of blueberry syrup around her mouth

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Memory Erasers - Fact or Fiction?

When women give birth naturally, they release a hormone that makes them forget about the pain afterwards. Hence, when I asked my mother about the pain of childbirth, she responds, "oh, that was nothing." I laughed. Three children born naturally. No pain killers. Please. The same woman, who had sinus surgery and was talking about how horrible it was, thought childbirth was no big deal. So, she must have just forgotten.

This just happened to remind me of studying. While at the time a lecture by a certain professor seems absolutely heinous, I think that it's not bad afterwards. I read through all the material for a test and think, "This isn't bad. I can do this." Then, after going through it for the second time I start freaking out. What was I thinking? How is this all going to fit in my brain? Why is my head swimming?! This is ridiculous. There must be a hormone that makes me forget.

Sunday, February 15, 2009


When did going to medical school become so popular? Really. I understand that a lot of people go into college claiming pre-med and then drop it. I'm just not seeing it as much... It seems like half of my friends are either going or have suddenly decided that medical school is right for them.

When I was applying, so many of my friends in medical school and doctor friends said not to do it. I never quite grasped that until this year. Apparently, it gets worse. Joy.

I'm still puzzled about the allure of MD at the end of your name. Physicians do make a considerable amount of money, but most of the people I know didn't just decide that they wanted to go to medical school. Most thought about it for a long time, which makes me even more puzzled. Any thoughts?

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Panic is an interesting feeling. It comes as quickly as it goes. The problem is that each person has a different point where they panic. Sometimes, panic will attack you. Other times it is a deep, slow moving dread that develops into panic. Is panic just an extreme form of fear or is it something more deep-rooted. Does it reflect the fear of someone seeing the major flaw within? If it is an extreme form of fear, it would have to be a deep fear.

I panic when I think that I might have locked my keys in the car, when I have left something important, when I think that someone might be following me. These, however, are the passing moments of panic, not the scary panic that takes away your breath. No, panic attacks mean something much more... Panic. Fear.

Practice with fear and panic dulls the shock but doesn't make them disappear. Can a person reach a point where panic or fear never touches them? I think not. Some just hide it better than others.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


People always talk about "types." Bonnie's type is men with beards. Ellen dates athletes, ect. Well, I have figured out my type... Intelligent men. The sad part is that I figured this out in class. You're thinking, that's not strange... However, I happen to find dorky professors absolutely adorable. Yes. I am crazy.

Kristen may call me elitist, but there's something absolutely jaw dropping about an intelligent person who can speak with confidence and make the most difficult things seem easy. (Bonnie, this may explain Steffen...) I think that we can all agree that a man with a mind is a horrible thing to waste. Right?