- I have locked my keys in the car before.
- I don't have keyless locks, so I just hit the automatic lock on my way out. This allow me to easily lock my keys in the car.
- I was distracted by the other four people in my car. (See previous post "My Downfall - People")
- There were FOUR other people in my car that didn't notice that I left if running. (Thank you for pointing that out, Jeni.)
- Medical school really has actually fried my brain. It is now mush.
After all of this, I can say that I enjoyed my free stack of pancakes at IHOP. I have not laughed that hard in a very long time - I was crying from the laughter. (My stomach now hurts from that combination...) Also, I have very nice friends that put up with my insanity. In closing, here's a shout out to those that witnessed the event -
Elizabeth - who made me laugh
Allison - who went to tell Stephen and tried to call and tell Kacie
Shannon - who helped me figure out the color of my car
Lee - who is still probably looking for a wire coat hanger
Stephen - who broke an umbrella to break (unsuccessfully) into my car
Jeni - see #4
Kate - too cute in her matching jacket and pants and ring of blueberry syrup around her mouth