After visiting with my aunt in Dallas, I've really been thinking about companions... My aunt has reached the point in her life where her friends are now dying. She is 12 years older than my father and pretty much our grandmother on his side. (Our grandparents died when we were young.) She is watching those close to her suffer from cancer or suddenly leave here with heart attacks. I can't imagine how difficult that is. However, this is a reality that many of the aging population face.
Back in the day, older women would take on companions in their old age. The young women were left in their care. They would travel and take their companions with them. The young women would gain knowledge from these older women and maybe an inheritance when the older woman had passed. In our society, this is lost. While there are some cases where this still exists - i.e. children living with and caring for their parents, I think that the overall idea has somewhat changed. The exchange of knowledge between the young and old has diminished in our culture.
While the old may fart unexpectedly or carry on from time to time, I do believe that they hold life experiences and perspectives that could broaden people's perspective. So, I petition that we bring back companions. Why not have someone to keep you company? I like company. :)