Tuesday, February 24, 2009

IHOP + Keys + Me + My car = INSANITY

Since three people are going to blog about this, I would like to throw my hat in the ring. I locked my car keys in my car while it was running. How did I do this? While standing around with the four people who rode with me to this fateful evening at IHOP waiting on the AAA lock smith to get there, I have come up with some good excuses...
  1. I have locked my keys in the car before.
  2. I don't have keyless locks, so I just hit the automatic lock on my way out. This allow me to easily lock my keys in the car.
  3. I was distracted by the other four people in my car. (See previous post "My Downfall - People")
  4. There were FOUR other people in my car that didn't notice that I left if running. (Thank you for pointing that out, Jeni.)
  5. Medical school really has actually fried my brain. It is now mush.
My family thinks I'm nuts. I called and told my dad. He was silent for an entire minute before he asked if I were ok... My mom didn't even call me. She called my little sister first, who doesn't seem very shocked. (She merely said that she had heard and told me about her test anxiety.)

After all of this, I can say that I enjoyed my free stack of pancakes at IHOP. I have not laughed that hard in a very long time - I was crying from the laughter. (My stomach now hurts from that combination...) Also, I have very nice friends that put up with my insanity. In closing, here's a shout out to those that witnessed the event -
Elizabeth - who made me laugh
Allison - who went to tell Stephen and tried to call and tell Kacie
Shannon - who helped me figure out the color of my car
Lee - who is still probably looking for a wire coat hanger
Stephen - who broke an umbrella to break (unsuccessfully) into my car
Jeni - see #4
Kate - too cute in her matching jacket and pants and ring of blueberry syrup around her mouth


Liz said...

hahahaha. I really was worried after...

1. you couldn't tell them a # they could reach you at (how bout the # you are calling on? your cell phone?)
2. you asked us what the color of your car was.

hahaha I am cracking up right now thinking about it.

I'm putting several coat hangers in my car, so that no one has to experience what we did tonight ever again :)

allison said...

you asked what the color of your car was???? HAHAHAHA I missed that. A blog edit will be coming shortly.

Anna said...

it was traumatizing... plus, i think my car is green, but everyone else think it's blue. ?? :)

Bonnie said...

anna... if there were people in your car why couldn't they have unlocked it....?

WikiStevia said...

liz. that is crazy. the coat hangers need to be outside of your car. duh. Or, get a spare key and hide it behind the tag like my father in law does...

oops. i think that was a secret.

I'm glad Kate made your blog :).

Liz said...

If you would please refer to my blog, I am not worried about locking my keys in MY car. I'm just saying, what if I go to IHOP next year and as I'm walking out some creepster comes up to me and asks if I have a coat hanger? I want to be ready.

Unknown said...
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shannon said...

The AAA guy on the other side of the phone asked for a number where he could reach you. You said, "Hang on, I'll get you the number to the IHOP because I'm not at home. Wait...I'm on my cell phone, I'll give you that number!" Funniest thing I had heard in a loooong time....plus Lee's escapade for the wire coat hanger. He was a creepster, approaching random ladies in the parking lot. Just thought I'd share my take on the evening.