Monday, April 12, 2010


I was sitting on my couch when the doorbell rang. I saw the man pull up and walk to the door, but I thought he would just leave something... Nope. He rang the doorbell. He looked sort of familiar, but I couldn't place him. I answered the door, and lo and behold, it was the head pastor at the church that I visited on Sunday. I always put down my address when I visit a new church. As strange as this sounds, I am curious about what churches do with visitors. After years of talking and watching my dad deal with visitors, I wanted to see it in action. Well, Ashland UMC just upped the ante. I can honestly say that I don't really know of a church that their head pastor visits the new visitors! Some churches have members stop by. This is a first.

I have also concluded that it's a very small world. This pastor is on the board at BSC and knows some of the same people that I do... Strange how the world is all connected. Lovely and unexpected. I think I'm going back on Sunday. :) Can't wait to see what happens....

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