Monday, June 29, 2009

plan of mice n' men

Summer is slipping through my hands. I can't believe that it's almost July!

It's strange to me how life doesn't work out as planned. As dumb as that sounds, I still have the audacity to make plans. (I am a fool. I know.) Plans make everything seem organized when life isn't that way. I would like to believe that one day I will not make any plans for the day. I think I might do an experiment one day and plan nothing. While it will probably be very difficult, it would be interesting to see if it's any different than a normal summer day. Let the experiment begin!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Oh, the insanity

There are some people that allow you the freedom to be yourself without any barriers. I find that they are few in number but very valuable. When all else fails, these people allow you to be goofy, inconsolable, in a funk, or just difficult. This is amazing to me. In a world where I find myself tamed into the cage that is socially acceptable and comfortable for others, these few friends make it possible to break free - to unleash the madness within. Let's be honest, we all have madness within. Usually, this is locked away inside where very few see the absolute insanity that comes with conversations at the wee hours of the morning or after your brain has turned to mush.

This summer has been an endeavor outside the normal, tamed box. I am currently running straight on into the madness at camp, embracing the insanity and loveliness of chaos as it crosses my path. While unsettling, chaos and craziness provide a calm and rejuvenating freedom of insanity that I lost somewhere in the black hole of medical school. So, sign me up for the looney bin. I am ready. :) WOOOOOHOOO for summer!