Sunday, April 17, 2011

Mawaige is what bwings us together today

I think it's comforting sometimes to realize that you are not alone in your problems. I find myself and many others contemplating the same thing lately - marriage. I think that it's really hard growing up in the South, where my aunt was married by age 16 and my mother and sister by age 24. Most of my friends are wondering when and how they are supposed to meet someone when:

  1. The only people that we see are the same people everyday - classmates & attendings
  2. The prospects are grim - classmates.
Strangely, this is not just the females. I've heard some of the guys mention it as well (which usually makes me laugh). I just wonder how people so driven to get where they are can suddenly be so worried about finding a significant other. I just feel like we all have this fear that we'll end up alone. While I don't believe that is the case for any of us, I really think that in weak moments where we are exhausted, sleep-deprived, and/or hungry (Do not underestimate the power of hunger.), we give into the fear.

I know that we all need a partner to venture through life with us, but I think my little sis said it best recently (while we were talking about marriage). She said that she's been reading a book, Lady in Waiting, and it said that women typically think that marriage will make them complete, when it will not. I think that this is always the case - we constantly say to ourselves and others, "If I can just get ___, then I'll be okay." That could be married, have children, finish med school, ect. However, I think that we need to find confidence in God that he will lead us down the path that he has set out for us.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The "just for fun" league

Games are not "just for fun" when medical students are involved. We happen to play a lot of catch phrase at the cozy cottage, which usually results in a least 2 or 3 people arguing about rules and cheating. There is also a lot of laughing. However, we are all so darn competitive. This also bleeds over into every game we play. We have a coed team for volleyball in the "just for fun" league. I told them not to include me if they were to competitive because I am honestly not very good at volleyball. They said that they really weren't.

Last night was intense. In volleyball intramurals, you play best out of 5, which means that it's usually over after 3 games. However, we lost the 1st 2 games last night. Midway through game 3 when we were ahead, one guy on our team was sitting out talking about what we needed to win. I immediately got nervous. That meant that they would expect me not to catch the ball AND hit it over the net. Then, we won games 3 &4. I made it through without catching the ball. However, I did hit the ball out on a few occasions. Even though I did really well for me, I still felt bad about losing and apologized constantly. In the 5th and final game, the entire room was silent before each serve and a thunder storm roared in the background. No joke. It was intense! We ended up losing by 2 points. It was so sad. How did something fun get so intense? I really think that there really isn't a "just for fun" league when med students are involved. I guess I'm no exception.